Focus is a useful skill. One I often feel I lack. The more I should be doing one thing, the more my brain wants to do something totally different. For example, I decided to sit down and try and finish off a few more aspects of my main website: Instead I ended up installing, learning how to theme and themeing this WordPress Blog and creating a small porfilo site around it. Although on the bright side, it does give me somewhere to complain about these things.
The focus issue at late seems to be even worse, I have exams at uni, which in most peoples mind would warrant me putting my focus in to revising for them. Well, not me. The knowledge i should be doing revision, combines with my natural procrastination instincts to drive me to do, what is actually a pretty impressive amount of work, on something totally different and unrelated. The result this time being that I’ve started and made quite a big of progress in to developing and constructing a brand new open source project (Magic).
I originally managed to justify it to myself, by claiming it was obstensably revising for a dynamic web exam that was coming up, But thats now long gone and my developemnt pace hasn t slowed all to much. My justifcantion also seems signifcantly weeker concidering the upcoming exams are on interface design, C and algorthums.. But hey, in reality isnt writing this blog just futher procrstination? If thats the case, i must resign myself to the fact im doomed and by doing that successful judtify getting another revision of Magic out the door by tonight. Yay.
A shiny new blog
Well this site is still under construction, but has made quite a bit of progress since wordpress was first shoved under this domain. With a little luck what’s now an incomplete jumble of code will become both my portfolio site as well as my very own development Blog.
Since I’ve needed a portfolio site for a while, i finally decided to take action on it a day or two ago, making use of the domain name I’ve had laying around for almost a year now. I had originally registered the domain for another project, but in the end I didn’t get round to starting, never lone finishing it. Rather than start from scratch and build from the ground up, i decided going for WordPress as the blogging section was probably a better idea. The reasons for this were a combination of laziness and a want for the more advanced and robust spam blocking features a large blogging engine like WordPress can provide.
This oddly enough is also the first time ive ever install or used wordpress in my life, though getting to grips with it was far easier than id feared. The Templating engine, although an ugly jumble of php and html does provide all the nessary functionlty need, so allowed me to develop my sites design uninpinged by the constraints of the WP skinning engine. That said, my notable lack of skill as a front end designer was more than enough of a challenge for me, as you can likely see from the current state of the site.
To overcome my shortcomings on the design front, my main resort is to leach as much feedback on the design as i can from anyone willing to answer. By combineng the feedback and refineing my design accordinly i can eventaully get to quite a nice looking design (and hopefully will again in this case).
With a few more iterations of the general design and the eventual addition of a proper about, portfilo and contact page this site will be complete. Finally giving me somewhere to complain perfusely at the state of progammings im working on this blog, as well as having a nice looking portfilo i can tap on the end of my C.V
Hence with this Opening blog, i Launch this… Blog in to the open seas of the blogosphere 🙂