Home Assistant: Exploring location history
If you’ve managed to set up a good source of location data in Home Assistant, then there is a good chance you will have tried and been a bit disappointed by the out of the box MapCard. While it can get your trackers showing on a map, when it comes with digging into the history data the functionality is painfully limited.
As a big user the rich capabilities available in other areas of Home Assistant, such as the energy dashboards, I set out to find a way of getting similar capabilities for location data on maps as well.
One of the great things with Home Assistant, and Open source projects in general, is that when you do find a gap like this you have the chance to get involved and solve your own itch. As someone with very limited experience with Home Assistants frontend codebase, I decided my best bet was find someone who’d created a HACS Map Card already, and see if I could use that as the basis to build out my Wishlist
As luck would have it @nathan_gs‘s ha-map-card perfectly fitted the bill.

Rather than jumping straight into the deep end with and trying to make the date picker work, I initially started off picking up some more standard features and bugs from the Github issues. I find this is a good way to get a feel for a new codebase and its conventions. The use of web components and the Lit library were all new to me, so despite my best efforts I did have to read through a little documentation as well.
Fortunately, Nathan turned out to be incredibly receptive to the random features I started throwing his way, which is always a huge encouragement when you start tinkering with something new.
Getting date ranges working
Once I felt I had a basic handle on the codebase, I decided to go after my main wish list feature. Integrating with Home assistants built in energy-date-selection
component. The component itself is great, providing the ability to easily navigate history, select date ranges and more. Right now its very much tied to Home Assistants energy dashboard – although I hope at some point in the future Home Assistant choose to make it available as a more general feature.
Despite it being meant for the energy dashboards, as the screenshot above shows, it turns out it can indeed be used to drive other features. Most notably the map history.
I knew setting out that hooking into the date selection card must be possible as I already used a number of Home Assistant Cards that do so, the awesome ha-sankey-chart for one. Inspired by the Sankey Chart Card approach, I followed the model to create a “DateRangeService” that would take responsibility for waiting for the Home Assistant _energy
connection to be ready, then manage the subscription to it once it was. I was then able to use the service to register call-backs in the card, allowing each entity to trigger a redraw of history data whenever the date range was changed.
Following on from the initial prototype, I ended up cranking out a number of minor features for the Map Card over the last week or two, further exploring some of home assistants internal capabilities.
Highlights include
- The ability to have card level history date ranges and optionally override these individually for each entity.
- The ability to use external entities to provide history date range values (For example an
to drive the hours or days ago.) This provides an alternative mechanism for exploring the history data. You can even mix and match them. - Adding more detail to the tooltips and entities themselves, including handling the click events and triggering home-assistant modals.
In Summary
Although still fairly new, I think the ha-map-card represents a pretty monumental improvement to home-assistants mapping and location data exploration capabilities. It provides significantly greater control over how location information is used and displayed, as well as several other advanced features including the ability to configure custom tile layers and web mapping services.
For people looking to get more location data into tehri Home Assistant, if you are a google maps user I’d recommend installing pnbruckner/ha-google-maps via HACs as a nicer way to setup access to your location history.
If you would like to set up a page similar to my screenshot does, you’ll need to install card-mod (to add a little extra CSS) then setup a new tab with the “Panel (1 Card view)”.
My YAML for the card then looks roughly as follows
type: grid
square: false
- type: energy-date-selection
style: |
ha-card {
z-index: 1;
position: absolute;
height: 80px !important;
width: 80%;
top: 75px;
right: 10px;
max-width: 450px;
- type: custom:map-card
history_date_selection: true
card_size: 16
- entity: device_tracker.your_entity_1
- entity: device_tracker.your_entity_2
- entity: device_tracker.your_entity_3
style: |
ha-card {
margin-top: -10px;
ha-card #map {
height:calc(100vh - 56px);
columns: 1
Not perfect, but hopefully a nice starting point for a more easily explorable map.
Final thoughts
Having now worked on this and another simple card, I have to say I’ve quite enjoyed the experience of developing in the Home Assistant ecosystem.
That said, the learning curve was somewhat steeper than I expected, simply due to the difficulty in finding any definitive docs on how to go about most things. While there is a boilerplate card and a lot of info filed away in forum posts, I ended up spending the majority of my time reading the source of other cards in order work out how achieved things. Looking back, a lot of it now seems pretty obvious, but that was definitely not the case when I first started poking around.
Some of this may well just be me being rusty, I’ve primarily been an API developer the last few years, so my familiarly with things like Lit and TypeScript were minimal. (Although I did manage to sidestep the Typescript for now at least).
It did also seems a bit odd that so far as I can tell, there is no proper way to ask Home Assistant to load built in card components without needing to have Home Assistants own card on the page to do so. As a result you end up having to reinvent wheels, despite there being a perfectly good component in Home Assistant already.
All that said, after a bit of effort I managed to get my head around the basics and build out some features I’ve been desperate for for ages. You can’t really ask for anything more than that.
- 2024-12-20: Updated the code example with some changes to work with the latest home-assistant version. Includes logic to make the map full height.
Larahook: Hooks for Laravel
In SaaS or similar applications, there often comes a point when you want to start adding custom or tweaked functionality for clients without the codebase itself diverging. One of the most common solutions to this is to use hooks.
Hooks effectively allow you to make certain parts of your applications functionality open to modification by another part. My own usage of this for instance is allowing a single white label configuration file to adjust (in some cases quite deeply) how the larger application works. WordPress is probably the most well known for using this approach in order to allow its plugins and themes to easily interact with WordPress’s functionalty, without needing to make any changes WordPress’s own code.
To support this functionally in a Laravel application, for the last few years I have been using the wonderful esemve/Hook library by Bence Kádár. Unfortunately the library now appears to be mostly inactive – most critically lacking support for Laravel 8 (as well as PHP8 itself in some areas).
As such, with an growing requirement for additional functionality and updates, I decided to take the plunge and create a new maintained fork of the library.
Although for simple use cases coinvestor/larahook
can be used as a drop in replacement for the original esemve/hook
, I utilised the opportunity of it being a clean break to make some more involved changes to the libraries functionality.
The most important changes are listed below.
Laravel 8 and PHP 8 compatibility plus auto-discovery support.
The library has been updated to work with the latest version of Laraval, as well as to make use of the newer package auto-discovery features meaning you will no longer need to update your app.php directly.
Retired the initial content parameter, and replaced it with $useCallbackAsFirstListener.
In the original version of the library, you needed to specify both a call-back (to run when the hook was not being listened to) as well as optionally a default $output
value to be passed in as the 4th parameter to the get hook method. This lead to some confusing code where a hook would need to invoke the original call-back directly to get a default value (where output was null), but if a second hook had run previously, may instead include data in the $output the hook would need to be aware of.
To simplify this I changed the 4th parameter on get
to instead be a Boolean called $useCallbackAsFirstListener
, as such by setting this as true, the hooks default callback will always run and pass its value in as the $output
value for every subsequent listener. As such listener logic can be simplified to always expect to be working with the value of output. For now this option is left as false, as in the case where the default hook is taking an action (say sending an email) this behaviour would not be desired, and so for safety must be specifically enabled.
Listeners at the same hook at the same priority will no longer overwrite each other.
Unlike the original version of the library, lara-hook will allow multiple hooks to be registered on the same event at the same priority level. In the case this happens the hook listeners will be run in the order they are registered.
If you are making use of the original functionality where hooks at the same priority overwrite each other, code changes will be needed.
Support for falsely return values.
In our application there were a number of cases where we’d wanted a hook listener to return a falsey value back to an underlying function. This was previously not possible, as a hook returning false would trigger an abort – causing the hook to return the default value (rather than the falsey value itself).
This is no longer the case in larahook, meaning the Hook:stop();
method will now have to be used directly where a hook does need to abort, as 0/false/nulls will simply be returned from the hook like any other value.
New Methods: getListeners, removeListener and removeListeners.
Listeners can now be unregistered, both individually as well as all listeners for a specific hook.
Additionally a full list of listeners on a hook can be returned using the getListeners
Test and bugfixes.
In addition to the functionality changes, I also spent some time adding unit tests and basic CI for the library. As is always the case when adding tests I managed to find and fix a number of minor bugs and edge cases across the library.
If you’d like to swap over to the new library, please have a look at our repo at https://github.com/CoInvestor/larahook/